Please specify the exact wording required on your logo.
Does your business have a tag line / catch phrase that is to accompany the logo? (if not, leave blank)
Please describe the nature of your business and general services/products provided.
Who is the main target audience / market? (e.g. male, female, age group, industry, etc)
Do you have any major competitors? If so, please list them and provide web addresses if possible. These include actual businesses, not the industry you’re in.
Do you have any particular preference for colour?
Fun, Funky, Fresh, Corporate, Distinctive, Clean, Simple, Elegant, Calm, Energetic, Spiritual/Holistic. Other
Do you have any design samples that you like, or ones that have a similar feel to what you want to achieve? This is not essential. If you do have samples then please attached these to your email.
Please list as many applications as possible that could make use of your design now and in the future, such as building or vehicle signage, embroidery, newspaper advertisements, websites, etc.
How will your company market its services now and in the future? (e.g. word of mouth, industry journals, newspapers, Google, television, brochures/flyers, social media, website)
If this is a re-branding of an existing logo design, please describe why your company feels it needs to be changed. (You can provide samples of your previous logo if you wish.)
For example: I don't want 'flowery' designs or I don't want to use Pink
Any additional comments that would affect the outcome of your logo design.