Anyone that owns a website knows that one of the biggest issues they could possibly face is a conversion rate that’s low. A website can have plenty of traffic; you could run ads on Facebook and Google. Moreover, you can also invest in multiple SEO campaigns. However, despite all of those things, in some cases people end up not really turning into any customers.

Conversion Rate Optimisation

The best possible answer to a conversion rate that’s particularly low is Conversion Rate Optimisation or CRO. It’s a process that includes tests being run, data being analysed and improvements being made given the data so that the website’s conversion rate would be better.

A number of CRO tactics are available, but the most commonly used ones are the likes of:

  • A/B Testing – This is where an ad or page has several variations that are all tested. It is done so that it can be made quite obvious as to which elements are working and which aren’t. Direct impact on conversion rate per element can then be determined.
  • Best Practices – This may go without saying, but it ensures that the best practices for conversion rates are being used for a website.
  • Heuristic Analysis – This is a review of the landing page and the whole website for best practices. It is done manually.
  • Speed Optimisations – This is, as the term suggests, where the landing page and website speed is improved.

Sounds great, right? However, it’s not as “cut and dry” as it seems. Proper CRO that’s scientifically backed is sound in terms of statistics. Unfortunately, aside from being quite time-consuming, it also costs quite a bit of money. An agency with CRO specialisation generally has prices that begin at $5,000 for every month. It’s an amount that many businesses will not easily be able to fork over. This is especially true for small- to medium-sized businesses.

Heuristic Analysis

As previously mentioned, one of the best and most commonly used means of CRO is the heuristic analysis. By definition, a heuristic is a guideline or quick shortcut for a likely conclusion to be made. The accuracy likely can’t be certified, and the scientific method will end up skipped altogether.

Think of a guessing game that involves, for example, the number of marbles in a clear glass jar. Heuristic analysis is what would be used for a reasonable “guesstimate” (guess/estimate) given no chance to actually do manual counting. When you get the answer to that and get shown another jar with marbles, asked for yet another guess, you’ll likely hit closer to the accurate response.

For CRO, heuristic analysis is basically an evaluation and walk-through. The whole point is that it’s quick and pretty cheap compared to other options. There are four factors to be considered:

  • Clarity (Increase)
  • Distraction (Decrease)
  • Friction (Decrease)
  • Value/Motivation (Increase)


Conversion rate optimisation is a great way to turn website visitors into actual paying customers. While there are numerous tactics available, popular ones include A/B testing, speed optimisations, and best practices. The simplest and most cost-efficient way however is through heuristic analysis.

Need to work with a digital marketing agency in Perth? Reach out to Lethal today! We’re a results-driven, high-quality website design company.